Integrate TibetSwap in Your Wallet
Your users get a better UX, you get some fees 😉
Example Widget
PoC. Experiment with your own UX.
Other inputs you can try:
  • "sell 50 DBX"
  • "swap 0.01 XCH for USDS"
  • Available tokens:
    Step-by-Step Integration Guide
    Step 1
    Show your creativity or go with the tried-and-tested
    First, come up with an elegant way to know what the user wants to trade, and how much. You can use a traditional swap interface, copy the widget above, or build your own UX. Aim to have a solution that is simple, intuitive, and quick.
    Step 2
    First TibetSwap API call
    Once you know the token, operation (buy/sell), and one amount (either the input or the output), you're ready to make the first API call. The quote endpoint will, as the name suggests, give you a quote, along with other useful information.
    Step 3
    Your cut - and hopefully ours
    It's time to calculate fees. We highly recommend taking a percentage of the trade (e.g., 0.875% - just like Metamask!). We also humbly ask you to respect our 0.3% dev fee. See the example widget for more details about this step.
    Step 4
    Last confirmation from the user
    You have all the info required to do a swap now, so it's time to ask the user for a final confirmation by showing them the amounts, price, price impact, fee, etc. Once they accept, simply generate the offer.
    Step 5
    Last request to our API
    You have all the data required to make a call to this API endpoint. Send us the offer, as well as the fees, how we should distribute them, and the pair involved - we'll build the full spend bundle and broadcast it to the network.
    Step 6
    Confetti time!
    You'll know if the trade went through from the response of the last API call. It's time to do something nice from the user - e.g., confetti. Your fee will arrive in your wallet as soon as the transaction is confirmed.
    Questions? Issues?
    DM me on twitter or join our Discord server.